The Balanced Working Mama Podcast

Episode Description

Dr. Amber Thornton is a clinical psychologist helping moms prioritize their own wellness. Join the Balanced Working Mama herself every week to learn how to better balance your work, motherhood, and wellness.

Links from the Episode:

The Friendly Podcast Guide Episode 9: Routine and Things

– The Balanced Working Mama Website

– Episode 75: When Anxiety Shows Up in Motherhood

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More Information About The Balanced Working Mama

The show description is, it is absolutely possible to balance work, motherhood, and wellness. Join the Balanced Working Mama each week to learn how, hosted by Dr. Amber Thornton, Clinical psychologist and mama Wellness consultant.

The length of each episode is about 30 minutes. And according to Dr. Amber, it is kid ear friendly About 50% of the time. She goes into more detail about that in our conversation. It is an ongoing series with new episodes available on Mondays. 

Introduction to Dr. Amber & The Balanced Working Mama

I’m Dr. Amber, founder of Balanced Working Mama. I am a mom of two. I have a three year old and a one year old, so I’m in the two toddler phase. You know, but I, I live in the DC area, My husband and I and Balance working Mama started because I too needed more balance and wellness and motherhood.

You know, when I first became a mom, I was really on the fence about it because I was really nervous that it, I don’t know if I can take care of myself and be a mom. So here came balanced working mama and it’s just been amazing ever since. 

How Balanced Working Mama Started

I distinctly remember, you know, when I was dating my husband and us talking about whether we wanted to have kids and I was again on the fence and I kind of was just like, I don’t know about that.

And he was so shocked by it. And he just said, you know, Having kids, we could just do so much good, you know, by bringing, you know, these amazing humans into the world. And so when he said it like that, it made sense to me. But then it also made me realize I needed to figure out how to do motherhood in a way that felt healthy and felt sustainable.

You know, just felt like I was. At the center with prioritizing myself in my wellness. And unfortunately it just wasn’t something I had grew up seeing. I think a lot of our moms you know, sacrificed so much for us and, you know, put us first and they got really burned out. They didn’t take care of themselves.

They developed a lot of health conditions from it. I just didn’t want that. So I remember becoming a mom, you know, really being very intentional about doing things differently. But then, Other moms around me, like my friends, are really struggling. And so that was really, you know, kind of the trigger for me to say, Hey, I think I can help these women by sharing what I’m doing to do motherhood differently.

But then also just kind of helping coach them as well with my expertise as a psychologist, but then also and other cre creative ways. And the podcast was actually the first way that we started doing that. So that is how it came to be, me just being really You know, wanting to help these women around me with finding more balance and wellness too.

I want them to understand that it is okay to put themselves first in one really great way. To do it is to take in information like this that really like encourages and emphasizes the idea of putting yourself first, prioritizing your wellness, believing that there is a thing called balance and motherhood.

What to Expect from Balanced Working Mama

You know, I want moms to believe. And to understand from the podcast that having balance in motherhood is possible when we redefine it so that they understand that it is something I can do, this is within my grasp, and then them feeling encouraged and inspired to, you know, then go do it for themselves.

The Vibe of Balanced Working Mama

So my show is definitely pretty lighthearted. If anyone who follows me on Instagram, you all know I, I curse. And so if you don’t like those words it might come as a shock to you. Like, every now and then I say bad words, you know, But there is also so many gems. In it because I am a psychologist still, there’s a lot of wellness talk, a lot of mental health talk. You know, but really the vibe of the show is just a casual conversation with another mama who really wants you to do well and really wants to support you and, you know, providing you with information, but then also personal reflection about how she’s doing it and how you can also take part and do it too. So that’s, I think, the vibe of the show. I

Dr. Amber’s Favorite Episode

It is called When Anxiety shows up in Motherhood. That is a good one because I think it blends very well. The two realities for me of like being an actual psychologist, but then also someone who struggles with anxiety in motherhood.

And so I really got very transparent about my experience with postpartum anxiety. What I did for that, which was go find my own therapist and seek my own treatment. But then I also just talk through like how anxiety can manifest differently for every mom. How mental. Manifest differently and some things that we can do to make sure our mental health is cared for.


tips to help you enjoy work and motherhood, the balanced working mama podcast

So I like that episode, you know, because I, I felt like I was able to kind of like go between the personal and the professional a little bit, but also because I think a lot of us are talking about mental health a lot more, and motherhood and anxiety is a, a big. A big, big thing. 

The Balances Working Mama & Little Ears

So, you know, honestly it depends on the episode. There are some episodes where I don’t say bad words. I also have a lot of episodes where we have special guests and not all of my guests curse. But I will say it’s probably 50/50 chance that you might hear me say a curse word. So you might wanna put your headphones in.

The Balanced Working Mama Community

I’m excited for Mamas to connect through the podcast. It’s been such a great place and a space for mamas to really just feel validated and, and comfortable and knowing that they are not alone. And I’m, I’m so excited to connect with anyone who joins and listens. 

Where to Find Dr. Amber & The Balanced Working Mama

I basically live on Instagram @DrAmberThornton. We also have an Instagram for balanced working mama @BalancedWorkingMama. But then the podcast is everywhere. Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Play, Anchor, anywhere you listen to podcasts.