Excellent Cozy Podcasts to Curl Up With This Fall

 One of my favorite ways to get cozy as the fall season sets in is to listen to podcasts that make me feel cozy. Obviously, this is at least a little subjective, but I wanted to give you a list of some podcasts I find cozy so that you’ll hopefully be able to find one that you can listen to while snuggled under a blanket and drinking a warm beverage.

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 I actually did another episode about cozy podcasts back in February. What can I say? I like using podcasts to feel cozy. If you need more cozy podcast recommendations, I highly recommend listening to that episode as well. 

Twenty Thousand Hertz

The first Cozy Podcast for today is called Twenty Thousand Hertz. This podcast reveals the stories behind some of the world’s most recognizable and interesting sounds. It is done in a way that is fascinating, but also loving.

These are episodes that talk about the voice you hear when you ride the tube in London, the sound design behind the video game, Zelda, and the history behind the song, Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Now, I know you might not think that sounds especially cozy, but the production value on each episode of this show is so amazing. You’ll feel wrapped up in the sound and hooked on the interesting facts and stories that you’ll hear.

Each episode is about 30 to 45 minutes long. A great place to start, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, is the episode titled Golden. It’s all about the transformative power of silence. I’ll make sure to link it in the show notes. 

Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books

The next cozy podcast on today’s list is called Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books. I don’t know if there are many things that are more cozy than snuggling in a comfy chair with a soft blanket and a good book to read. Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books is a podcast all about helping you find your next favorite book or at least listening to an interesting conversation centered around books.

The host talks to authors from all genres about their books and asks the questions we would ask if we were there. Each episode is around 30 minutes long. I actually did an entire episode on Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books. If you want to dive a little deeper into this podcast and listen to that entire interview, I’ll make sure to link it in the show notes.

This podcast has almost 1700 episodes to choose from. I recommend just scrolling through the episodes until you find one that catches your eye. She recently interviewed Matthew McConaughey about his debut picture book, Just Because. That might be a fun place to start.

Cozy Podcast Conversations on We Can Do Hard Things

This next cozy podcast is called We Can Do Hard Things. It’s a conversational podcast that pulls you in with interesting topics they cover. You stay for the genuine and raw ways they talk about these topics. When I listen to these episodes, I feel like I’m having a late night conversation with some of my best friends. 

You may have heard of at least one of the three hosts. They are Glennon Doyle, Abby Wambach, and Amanda Doyle. If you haven’t, I honestly think you might like the podcast even more, because you have no preconceived ideas about these women. They are great examples of being compassionate with each other and themselves, as they try to tackle touchy subjects like feeling left out, lying, and why so few of us give ourselves space to relax.

Each episode is around an hour long, and there is some language. If you’re looking for a place to start, I recommend the recent episode called How to De Stress, Relaxation Intervention for Amanda and You. They talk about why a lot of us live in stress and how relaxing helps us feel more human.

Podcast Consultations 

I’ve been able to talk to some amazing podcasters about their shows while doing interviews for the Friendly Podcast Guide. Along the way, I’ve learned so many tips and tricks on how to start a podcast. From the hosts I’ve interviewed and from personal experience, I’ve talked to those hosts about what made their launch successful and what made it more difficult.

I for sure know what I would do differently if I could go back and launch my show again. Now I want to share my knowledge with you. I’m offering free podcast consults, and I have a couple of spots open in the next month. If you need help nailing down your podcast idea, figuring out your niche, or have any other podcast questions, I would love to work with you to answer all of your podcast questions.

If you’re interested in working with me, fill out the intake form in the show notes. I can’t wait to answer all of your podcast questions and talk through all of your podcast concerns.

The Sporkful

The next cozy podcast on my list for today is called The Sporkful. It’s a food podcast with two taglines that explain the show very well.

The first one is, it’s not for foodies, it’s for eaters. The next one is, we obsess about food to learn more about people. Aren’t those such great taglines? The host, Dan Pashman, is a bit of a lovable goofball whose interest in food is relatable for normal food eaters like myself, with episode subjects ranging from a pickle festival to why Barbie’s first dream house didn’t have a kitchen.

Each episode is between 30 to 45 minutes long. If you’re looking for a place to start, a recent episode that I’m sure you’ll enjoy is all about the creation of a new apple. It’s called How to Create a New Apple. I’ll link it in the show notes. 

LeVar Burton Reads 

The next cozy podcast is called LeVar Burton Reads. Yes, I’m talking about that LeVar Burton from The Reading Rainbow. This podcast is him reading interesting stories written by other people with little anecdotes from him at the beginning and the end of the story. He does such a good job telling these stories and the nostalgia is next level. When I was doing the research for this episode, I sat and listened to one of the LeVar Burton Reads episodes while doing a puzzle. I felt so cozy and calm, it was absolutely delightful. 

Each episode is 45 minutes to an hour long. Each story he reads is unique. Since everyone’s tastes are so different, it’s hard to tell you which episode to start with. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need help finding a place to start, I recommend listening to The Destination Star by Gregory Marlowe. It’s about people aboard a rocket ship hurtling toward a distant star. 

A Poetry Cozy Podcast The Slowdown

The last cozy podcast on today’s list is called The Slowdown. I’ve always had a soft spot for poetry. I pretty much always feel better when I take time to read some, but if I’m being honest, my poetry reading is a bit sparse these days.

When I found a daily podcast that read me a poem and gave me some context around it to reflect on, I jumped at the chance to listen. Each episode is around five minutes long and is soothing in a contemplative way. Emily Dickinson is one of my favorite poets. I know it’s cliche, but I’m predictable when it comes to poetry.

I loved the episode about her poem, I’m Nobody, Who Are You? If you don’t like Emily Dickinson, there is a new episode every day, so you have plenty of episodes to choose from. 

cozy podcasts for the coziest season of the year, find the perfect podcast to listen to while wrapped up in a warm blanket, drinking a warm drink

Share A Cozy Podcast

Turning on a cozy podcast is one of my favorite ways to de-stress and add coziness to my day. I hope one of these podcasts can help you do the same.

Also, just a reminder that if you’re wanting to launch a podcast, but don’t know where to start, fill out the form in the show notes, so we can hop on a free podcast consult call so I can answer all of your podcast questions. Talk to you soon.