Celebrating 100 Episodes! My Opinion on the Best Podcasts

This week is all about celebrating the 100th episode of the Friendly Podcast Guide. I listen to so many podcasts and I’m always finding new ones that I fall in love with. There are a few podcasts that are my go-tos that never let me down. Since this is the 100th episode of my show, I decided to be a little selfish and talk about what I think are some of the best podcasts out there. 

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Links from this Episode:

The Lazy Genius

The first podcast on my list of best podcasts is The Lazy Genius. Kendra Adachi is the host and she does such a wonderful job of explaining things in a way that makes them feel doable and not overwhelming. I learn so much from each of her episodes, and I love the reminder that she gives in every episode to be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.

Also, the Lazy Genius community is one of my favorite places on the internet. All of the women in the community are smart, kind, and non-judgmental. They are so lovely. If you want to try out a Lazy Genius episode, I highly recommend starting with episode 301, How to Kindly Navigate a Changing Body. It’s a great example of Kendra talking about a difficult topic with grace and kindness. I really love this episode, and I think you will too. 

Here’s Where It Gets Interesting

Have you heard of Sharon Says So on Instagram? This next podcast is by the woman behind that account, Sharon McMahon. It’s called, Here’s Where It Gets Interesting. All of her episodes are interesting and thought provoking, but in my opinion, where her podcast shines the brightest is in the series that she and her team put together.

She’s done series’ on the Civil Rights Movement, the Civil War. First Ladies of the White House, Japanese Internment Camps in the US during World War II and so many more. Each series does a deep dive on whatever that topic is. Sharon and her team do such a wonderful job of showing you the humanity in whatever group of people they’re talking about.

After I’m done listening to each of these series’, I always am inspired to become a better person and I feel so much more informed about the world that I live in. Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Governors, which is the community of people Sharon has brought together. These are wonderful humans who are curious and kind. If you want try out Here’s Where It Gets Interesting but don’t know where to start, I recommend starting with her series about Women Who Won World War II. This 12 part series is so inspiring and I loved learning about all of the women who helped the allies win the second World War. 

100th Episode

This week we’re celebrating 100 episodes by giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. It’s easy to enter. All you have to do is hop on Instagram and talk about why you love podcasts and how you use the Friendly Podcast Guide in your life. Tag the Friendly Podcast Guide so that I can know that you did it. If you have a private account, then just DM me a screenshot of your story or post so that I can make sure you’re in the drawing to win the gift card. 

I can’t wait to hear about all the reasons you love podcasts and how you use FPG in your life. I’ll be announcing the winner next week on June 29th, so make sure to talk about the show before the 29th.

Twenty Thousand Hertz

This next podcast is a bit more specific, but it’s so beautifully produced that if you listen and love it, you’ll be a fan for life. It’s called Twenty Thousand Hertz.  Dallas Taylor is the host and he and his team put together the most lovely podcast episodes about sound and how sound affects us in our daily lives.

There are episodes about the voices you hear when you use the Tube in London. Other episodes are about the rivalry between synth instruments, the iconic Windows startup sounds, and so many more. If you want to try out Twenty Thousand Hertz, I recommend starting with the episode called Dies Irae. It is the first episode I listened to and it obviously got me hooked.

This episode is about a four note melody that composers have been using for hundreds of years to evoke death. Fascinating, right? This melody has been used in dozens of movies, and once you hear it, you’ll probably start noticing it more and more. 

The Popcast with Knox and Jamie

The next podcast on this list of favorites is The Popcast with Knox and Jamie. One of my favorite ways to end a really hard day is turning on The Popcast.  Knox and Jamie and their producer Aaron, have some of the most hilarious conversations I’ve ever had the privilege to listen in on. I’m so grateful they make a show that educates me on the things that entertain, but do not matter.

If you want to try out The Popcast with Knox and Jamie, you could scroll through and just click an episode. If that sounds like too much work, then a great episode to listen to is called Nepo Babies. Knox and Jamie talk about nepotism in pop culture, and the episode is both thought provoking and hilarious.

All Things Cozy

Last on the list, but definitely not least is All Things Cozy. I actually found this podcast while doing research for the friendly podcast guide. It is delightful. If you ever need to add a little coziness to your day, just turn on an episode of All Things Cozy and you’ll immediately feel better.

Matt and Jillian are the hosts and they are best friends that bring so much joy and warmth to each episode. You can’t help but feel like you just got a virtual hug. They’re also clever and funny. I always finish each episode feeling like I just had a lovely conversation with two good friends.

If you want to get a feel for the vibe of All Things Cozy, I recommend listening to the episode Matt and Jillian did on the Friendly Podcast Guide. We talked about the origins of their of their show and how they describe the feeling of All Things Cozy. You can listen to us become real friends instead of me just thinking they’re really awesome and they am not knowing who I am. 

my very favorite podcasts (from someone who listens to a LOT of podcasts) some of the best podcasts, listen here! www.friendlypodcastguide.com

That’s a Wrap

That is a wrap on the hundredth episode of the Friendly Podcast Guide. Thank you for indulging me as I gush about what I think are some of the best podcasts. I’m so grateful that you listened to the show. If you just found the show or you’ve been with me since the beginning, I’m grateful to help you on your podcast journey.

Also, I can’t wait to hear about your podcast experiences and give away an Amazon gift card. Talk to you soon.