Celebrate Spring with these 5 Beautiful Plant Podcasts

Celebrate Spring with these 5 Beautiful Plant Podcasts

I’m so excited that it’s almost Spring that I just had to do a podcast about plants, gardening and enjoying nature. Hopefully this episode gets you excited to celebrate Spring too!

magnolia trees, springtime, pink flowers-556718.jpg

Epic Gardening

The first podcast on my list is for those of us who want a daily dose of green in our lives, it’s called Epic Gardening. This podcast will give you a short and sweet nature fix. Kevin is the host and he brings you answers to your gardening questions every day. Each episode is about 5-10 minutes long.

I would recommend starting with the episode called Growing Cut Flowers, it gives you some evidence for Kevin’s gardening prowess, helps you understand the flow of the show and you learn about the process of growing cut flowers!

In Defense of Plants

If you want a podcast that’s more broad in its conversations about plants I would try, In Defense of Plants. Matt, the host, talks to different botanical experts every week with topics ranging from Orchid Bees to ancient Earth’s plants to how outdoor recreation can affect plants. You can feel Matt’s passion for all things plants in every episode and I can almost guarantee that you will learn something new every time you listen to his show. Each episode is about 1 hour long.

To get a taste for the show you should start with Episode 404: The Secrets of Vanilla Dispersal, where Matt learns from Dr. Adam Karremans about the plants that create the well-loved scent and flavoring of vanilla. You get a feel for Matt’s interviewing style and the interesting topics he covers on the show.

On the Ledge

If you’re looking for a podcast specifically about house plants On the Ledge is a good one for you to check out. Jane Perrone is the host and she will give you practical tips on how to grow all sorts of houseplants. She has a mix of episodes with some being conversations with plant experts and others where she teaches you from her own expertise. Each episode is about 30 minutes to an hour long.

I would recommend starting with Episode 248: 31 Fascinating Facts About Houseplants where you learn about houseplants while getting a feel for the fun anecdotes that Jane sprinkles into all of her episodes.

Guide to Finding a Podcast You’ll Love

Before I tell you about more plant podcasts we’re going to take a quick break to talk about my free guide to find a podcast you’ll love. I hope you’re excited about one of the plant podcasts I’m talking about today, but if you’re not sure if any of them are a good fit for you I have a guide that can help you find a podcast you’ll love. The guide has 9 different types of podcasts, like history, parenting, and health and wellness and under each type of podcast there are links to 3 different shows. That’s 27 podcasts for you to choose from. If you try a couple and you don’t like any of them I put my email at the bottom of the guide, so you can get in touch with me and I will personally help you find a podcast you will love! You can grab this guide at the link in the show notes.

The Daily Gardener

For all of the history buff plant lovers out there, The Daily Gardener is the podcast for you. This is a daily podcast that is currently taking a break (the last episode was released on November 30th, 2022), but there’s a treasure trove of fascinating episodes about gardening, plants and their complex history. Each episode also features a book about plants or gardens for you to use to learn even more about our leafy friends. Each episode is about 25 minutes long.

To get a feel for the show I recommend starting with the episode from June 2nd, 2022. It has interesting facts about Martha Washington being a gardener, a fascinating story about a man who had information about building a bomb who buried it in his garden, along other interesting stories and a recommendation for a beautiful book about places where “floral passions find a place to blossom”. This episode not only teaches you about interesting plant facts, but also helps you understand the flow of the show.

Growing Joy with Plants

We all know that having plants around us improves our wellbeing (and if you didn’t know that, then I’m glad I was able to teach you something that will hopefully improve your life), in the podcast Growing Joy with Plants you learn about how to take better care of your plants and yourself. Maria Failla, the host, knows that the answer to being happier could be as simple as caring for plants and connecting with nature. She says: “Houseplants and gardening do more than beautify our homes and lawns – the act of caring for them helps us reduce stress, increase joy and cultivate connections with ourselves, others and the earth.” In this podcast you learn with Maria, how to care for plants which in turn helps us all manage our overwhelm and stress and live a happier and calmer life. Each episode is about 1 hour long.

A good episode to start with is the episode called Caudex Plant Care with Plant Daddy Pod where you learn about a cool and beautiful plant and get a feel for the vibe of Maria’s show.

5 plant podcasts to help you celebrate spring! www.friendlypodcastguide.com

Plant Podcasts to Help You Celebrate Spring

I hope you found a plant podcast that can excite your green thumb and help you celebrate spring! While I was doing the research for this episode, Scott, my partner, made me promise that we wouldn’t buy any more plants because he knew listening to all of these podcasts would make a bit plant baby hungry. He was right, but I stood by my promise, because we don’t have any more shelf space that has decent light for houseplants. But we might just have to buy some more shelves first, I’ll keep y’all updated. Also if you want to learn about podcasts that talk about other things you are interested in, grab my guide to finding a podcast you will love! Talk to you soon!