This week we have another podcast with a fabulous name, it’s called Chatty Geek, Hidden Dragon, intriguing right? Chris Smith is the host and his goal is to make talking about mental health as normal as talking about the weather.
Links from the Episodes:
– Subscribe to my newsletter: The Friendly Podcast Recap
– Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon Website
– Chris’ Favorite Episodes:

More About Chatty Geek, Hidden Dragon
The show description is Chatty Geek, Hidden Dragon is a podcast and live stream about our hobbies and passions and promoting conversations about mental and social health. The length of each episode varies from one to two hours long, and then there are mental health journal episodes that are 15 to 30 minutes. This podcast isn’t exactly kid ear friendly because sometimes it touches on hard mental health topics. So it may not be a good fit for little years. This series is ongoing with new episodes available a few times a month.
Introduction to Chris Smith & Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon
Hi, it’s thanks for having me on the show. My name’s Chris. I am the host of Chatty Geek Dragon podcast. I currently work in construction, but I really have a passion for mental health. Mental health awareness and reducing their stigma of mental health, hence the podcast. I’ve practiced martial arts for over 20 years. I’ve practiced Buddhist meditation for over 20 years. And I’m into all things geeky, which has also helped me name the podcast.
How Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon Got Started
It actually started through martial arts practice. I got to a certain level and I was asked the question, you know, now you’re at this level. What do you want to do? Now it seems very strange for a martial artist to decide to go: I want to go geeky and crazy and funny , but I really wanted to use everything I’d learned to sort of make a difference with the world and, and sort of do something mental health orientated.
I think mental health affects everybody to some degree. It’s affected me and, you know it’s not just about being healthy and being ill. It’s recognizing the fact that mental health actually can affect the decisions we can make in our lives. And you know, the better mental health, the better decisions we can make and, and the better decisions we can make, the less we affect other people as well. So hence the show.
What to Expect from Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon
It’s obviously quite quirky. It’s quite fun. I don’t want people to tune in to listen to just a mental health conversation. Although the podcast falls into the general mental health category, if you were to go on iTunes or Spotify, et cetera, you would find it under there. However, I don’t people want to dive into it purely to think that they’re going to listen to a conversation about mental health. The whole ethos of the show is that it does affect everybody. And everybody is unique at the same time. So we’ll bring guests on and I’ll, I’ll share my own. I’ll share my own experiences through the journal and we just talk about everything, random, everything.
Other guests, passions, other guests interests, other guests escapes. And then we also shine the spotlight a little bit on mental health. Just to show that you can talk about mental health in the same way that you can talk about anything. It doesn’t matter what you’re into. It doesn’t have to be stigma. It doesn’t have to be a little bit off puting, for someone to suddenly mention mental health. It can be just a part of conversation as the weather. It’s nothing out of the ordinary at all.
The Vibe of Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon
The vibe is incredibly relaxed. We, like I say, we’re not forcing anybody to talk about anything. We’re not forcing people to talk about things that they’re not comfortable sharing. So the main vibe is that of really good friends, really approachable, a lot of fun. You know, you want to, you want to go away from the podcast, having listened to it, having met some friends, people who maybe want to know a little bit more about maybe join our community, cuz we have our own community going on as well.
And that’s it. It’s not like you, you’re not necessarily going to learn something you’re just gonna feel, although you probably will learn something to be fair. You’re just gonna feel that, you know, you’ve met some good friends and you’ve you feel a bit better that your own experiences are normal, that other people experience too.

Chris’ Favorite Episodes
It’s very difficult because everybody, I mean I see myself as a bit of a father figure as well, so you’re not supposed to have favorites, but yeah, I mean, there has been guests that have shared different things. I’ve, I’ve loved some of my journal episodes where I’ve got things off my chest but we’ve had some really really authentic uh, Guests that have been very generous in, in what they’ve shared and a couple that spring to mind, if you wanted to point listeners towards a particular episode, I would say the one with coach Lee Hopkins who, who shares a lot about his experiences through life. And then there’s a nutrition student Francesca method who I would, who has a podcast of her own actually. And she was very genuine, authentic. She shared a lot about disordered eating.
Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon & Little Ears
I would probably stay on the safe side and say, maybe not. We don’t use a lot of nasty language, colorful language, really. But sometimes we might touch on heavy subjects. So maybe, parents use their own judgment.
How to Find Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon
We’re there for you to listen. We’re also there for you to watch. If you want to join us live, you can ask guests questions as they happen. And we also provide a community. We have a discard server and we’re present on all of the social networks.
I’m always available on the other end of WhatsApp and things like that, where you can see the links on our website and all of that. So yeah, we are here is the, is the main message.