Getting to Know the First Ladies, Past and Present

First ladies rarely get the same attention that their partners get. There are a few podcasts that shine a light on the amazing women that helped shape the United States and the international community.

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Links from this Episode:

Ladies, First Podcast

If you are looking for an interesting but concise glimpse into the lives of some of the first ladies, you should try listening to the Ladies, First podcast. I’ll put a link in the show notes, but if you go searching for it on your own, make sure to put a comma between ladies and first to get the right podcast.

This podcast looks beyond the fashion and state dinners with a lineup of guest experts who help all of us learn more about the legacies of these amazing women. This is a series of 11 episodes with each one being around 15 minutes long. You get to learn about Jackie Kennedy, Dolly Madison, and many other fascinating ladies of the White House.

First Ladies Series

Another podcast series about first ladies is from Sharon McMahon. You probably know her as Sharon Says So, on Instagram. Her podcast is called, Here’s Where It Gets Interesting. The episodes about first ladies are sprinkled through her episodes during the summer of 2022. They are such a fascinating listen. Each episode is about 30 to 45 minutes long and she discusses many of the first ladies including Abigail Adams and Martha Washington. Sharon shows all parts of these ladies to help us understand them as humans, not just women you read a short blip about in a history book. 


 If you’re thinking about starting your own podcast, Libsyn will help you make it happen. I use Libsyn to get the Friendly Podcast Guide from my microphone to your ears. They make it super easy to take your great idea for a podcast and make it a reality. They have several different price plans starting at just $5 a month. If you use my affiliate code, FPG, at checkout, you get your first month free. Start your podcasting journey by clicking on the link in the show notes. 

Modern First Ladies

This last podcast series is unique because it takes audio clips from modern First Ladies and incorporates them into the episodes. The podcast is called First Ladies in Their Own Words, and it uses material from CSPAN. You can hear from modern ones like Lady Bird Johnson and Melania Trump as they talk about issues important to them and to the country. There are eight episodes altogether, and each episode is about 45 minutes long. 

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Be Inspired

Hopefully, one of these podcast series has caught your attention and you dive a little deeper into this part of United States history. 

Also, if you have the itch to start your own podcast, use my affiliate code FPG to get your first month free with Libsyn.