Hey, Sister!

Episode Description

Hey, Sister! is hosted by Carley and Courtney. This Southern sister hosted podcast is filled with straight talkin’ sisterly advice.

Links from the Episode:

– Hey, Sister Podcast Website

– Hey, Sister on Instagram 

– Hey, Sister on Facebook

– Hey, Sister Favorite Episode: Social Light // Hanalei Gene

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More About Hey, Sister!

The show description is, Hey, Sister is the motivational Southern Sister hosted podcast promoting self-awareness and self-improvement in a conversational way with values rooted in their Texas upbringing. Courtney and Carly aren’t afraid to offer straight talk and sisterly advice with a heap of love.

The length of each episode is around 30 minutes with some episodes being more like 40 minutes and some episodes being closer to 20. The episodes are completely kid-ear friendly, and the series is ongoing, with new episodes available every Monday. Before we learn more about the vibe of the show, we’re going to take a quick break to talk about bookshop.org.

FPG Partner Bookshop.org

I really love bookshop.org. It’s a great way for you to buy books online, but also support local bookstores. You can find a specific local bookstore that you would like to support, and they will receive the full profit off of your order. Or your order will contribute to an earnings pool that will be evenly distributed among independent bookstores.

You can see some of my favorite books for me and my kiddos especially. I made a welcoming spring section where you can see all of our favorite spring books that we are demolishing right now. We just love spring books at our house. You can see all of those by going to my affiliate link at bookshop.org/shop/FPG.

Introduction to Courtney, Carley & Hey, Sister!

So this is Courtney, and I’ll take this one. Carly and I were both raised in the Dallas Fort Worth area in Texas, and that is part of the Bible Belt, if you’ve ever heard of that. That meant that we were raised in Christianity and so that combined with the familial bonds that we had, really just shaped who we’ve become as women because we are the oldest two of four siblings in our family.

So now as wives and mothers, we just really want to continue to be a voice and advocate for those same traditional family values that we were raised with, but we’re also still sisters, and we find that our sister phone calls have been really crucial and helpful for us. Carly and I really do believe that we are all brothers and sisters on God’s earth, so we want to extend our sisterhood beyond just the two of us or the three of us.

There are three sisters in our family of origin. We just really love our sister phone calls because when you call a sister, Your sister can give you that reality check that you need. She can also extend the grace that you need sometimes if you’re being too hard on yourself, or she can spur you on to do hard things because a sister knows what you’re capable of.

So since we believe that we’re all really brothers and sisters on earth, we just want to extend that sisterhood and be able to be that sisterly phone call for everyone else in the world, specifically women. 

The Vibe of Hey, Sister!

We totally want that vibe of our podcast to be instructional yet jovial. So kind of the baby, if you will, of a TED Talk and a Gilmore Girls episode. We want everyone to feel motivated, but not in a dull way. We have our little sister Cassidy, who is just a ball of energy and light and she does a happy pants dance every Friday for our sisters on our Instagram.

We want there to be like a pick me up feel to it. So even in our intro song, if you hear it, it sounds reminiscent of the friend theme song. And that’s just to go along with that vibe of connectedness and we’ll be there for each other, you know, that kind of thing. 

What to Expect from Hey, Sister!

So like our name, Hey sister. We obviously want people to take away from the podcast that they are part of a sisterhood that really is important to us.

The other day, in fact, one of the members of our sisterhood was telling me that she and her sister were on a car trip and they were playing an episode of our podcast, and she said, Yeah, We just had to keep pausing the podcast so that we could continue the conversation and swap our own stories, and that is exactly what we’re going for.

We are looking to make this feel like a connected sisterhood. We’re looking for this to be a conversation starter so that you can take whatever you hear and use it to actually create real relationships with people. Let us be your sisters, but let this also be the spark that you need to ignite some friendships or continue some sisterly relationships in your life.

In addition to the sisterhood, obviously, the other thing we want sisters to take away from our podcast is what we promise that you’ll get outta the podcast, which is a call to action that’s at the end of our episodes every week. So after we’ve had some straight talk in sisterly advice. We end every episode with a call to action that you can do that week, and it’s something that is doable.

You can do it that week. A lot of times it will be something that is inside your comfort zone. You just have to set aside the time to do it. Or maybe it’s slightly outside your comfort zone, but we know you can do it. 

Carly will post these beautiful graphics online that remind you what the call to action is, and then she and I will also do our progress on those call to actions on Instagram and Facebook so that you can see where we’re at with it and we invite you as sisters to share your progress as well. 

Hey, Sister & Kid Ears

Our show is 1000% kid-ear friendly. We also have littles of our own, so we are aware of what kind of things need to not be said in their presence. And I don’t think it would come out of us naturally. We keep it all pretty clean. 

Courtney’s Favorite Part of the Episodes

At the end of every episode. That’s actually my favorite episode. Every episode end. If you ever listen through the episode, listen through the closing credits, cuz that is my favorite thing to do to Carly, I usually throw her under the bus. Isn’t that right Carly?

Usually it’s one of the two of us, or a guest expert, and I usually don’t throw them under the bus, but if somebody says something that’s awkward or funny during the recording of an episode, I’ll put that in our outtakes at the end of every episode. And so if you ever listen through the closing credits, that makes every episode my favorite.

Cause I’ll usually include some funny thing that happened during that recording at the end. So that makes every episode a little bit of my favorite because it’s my opportunity to Surprise my sister, cuz she doesn’t know what’s gonna come out until the episode drops on Monday. That’s when she hears it for the first time too.

Carly’s Favorite Episode

Recently we had actually a good friend of mine on, and that was really fun. Her name is Hanlay Jean and her episode is called Social Light. And I think that was nice because as Courtney mentioned, we wanna ignite that, that spark within us to build friendships right in that sisterhood.

And she also doesn’t have any sisters by blood, right? But has made friendships and has grown herself in that way, in that social way. And so I, that’s one that I would listen to to really feel inspired to get outside my comfort zone and talk to someone new or Foster a friendship that I already have.

So that was one that I liked recently. But really, all of our guests, they become really our sisters and generally, when they are having a struggle, we feel it and when they’re succeeding and like having amazing things going on, like that’s what we wanna hear too. So that’s just been a really fun aspect that I Hadn’t thought of, but has really been fun to have going on with those bonds growing. 

Where to Find Hey, Sister!

 So the first thing I would say to that is you can find us online at heysisterpodcast.org. But the thing that we care more about is that we want to find you, We want to find our sisters. So by finding us, that will really help us to connect with you cuz Carly and I really are in this for the sisterly bonds.

So if you wanna find us on Instagram, we’re at hey sister podcast and on Facebook. It’s the same at hey sister podcast or facebook.com/heysisterpodcast and connect with us. We have all kinds of ongoing social conversations with the roll call post where we, you know, post about the call to action for the week Or as Carly mentioned, the happy pants dance that you can expect from our youngest sister on Fridays. We have all kinds of throwback pictures on Thursdays and just all kinds of fun things that go on online and we really want to have y’all be part of the conversation. So join us so that we can find you, because I think we all really want to be seen and.

I know it’s hard in this day and age when there’s less in person opportunities, but let this be your Starting block to mount and then go out into the world. So come and connect with us and we’d love to hear how you’re progressing in the world and we love making friends all over the world too, so that’s really fun.