If you need a shot of energy you are listening to the right episode. Vinnie Postestivo has so much energy and excitement that just listening to him will give you the umph you need to finish the day. In his podcast he talks to celebrities and creators as they talk about their mistakes and successes that impact today’s media, culture and technology.
Links from the Episode:
– Take the FPG Demographics Survey
– Vinnie Potestivo Entertainment Website
– I Have a Podcast Interview Form

More About I Have a Podcast
The length of each episode is 20 to 45 minutes, and Vinny says every episode in his podcast is Kid ear Friendly, except the ones with Jamie Lynn Siegler, who uses some words you might not want your kids to hear. The podcast is ongoing with new episodes available a couple times a month.
FPG Giveaway
Before we learn more about the vibe of the show, we are going to take a quick break to talk about my first FPG giveaway. I wanted to say thank you for listening to the podcast as we approach the first birthday of FPG. It has been so much fun to launch the podcast and meet all of you.
Mostly virtually this past year. As a thank you, I wanted to give one of my listeners a $25 Amazon gift card. All you have to do is fill out a quick demographic survey, and I will choose one of you to win the gift card at the end of the month. Thank you so much for filling out this survey. It will help me find podcasts that you’ll enjoy and find sponsors that align with your wants, needs and desires. Thank you so much for a great first year, and I can’t wait to give this Amazon gift card to one of you.
Introduction to Vinny
My name is Vinny Pot Divo. I’m from Brooklyn, originally from, well, I’m in Brooklyn now, originally from Staten Island. I have this big New York Energy, I’ve been in media my entire life. It started in Staten Island at the Staten Island Basic Access cable channel, and then ultimately to MTV for 10 years.
From 1998 to 2007. And then after 2007 as an agency, I helped other networks and production companies create talent development departments or casting departments. And eventually what I now do is help non-creative businesses. So think of skincare or just any lawyer out there who’s creating content- any florist, any, any business out there, any business owner out there who’s creating content where, where creativity isn’t the core output of what you do. I’m helping them be really efficient and also I’m helping them win awards, get credit for their work, get discovered, be more discoverable like everything that I’ve learned from television, bringing it over here to podcasting cuz I really, truly believe.
As small business owners, as brand owners, that the intellectual property, the podcasts that we’re creating right now, potentially could be the most valuable thing that we create in most of our lives. And I don’t want us to be selling it off for advertising or looking to sell it out, you know, the gate, I really am here to, to express the importance of being on podcasting, and that’s what my podcast is all about. It’s sustainable creativity. I think there’s something like four people say, there’s 4 million podcasts. Everyone gets nervous to make launching a podcast. There’s 4 million podcasts. Maybe it’s two. How many, how many poems, how many books, how many silly dog names?
How many movies, how many I can’t get, you know, I could go on. I get really excited about the power we have now as creators where we don’t have to go into a TV network. We don’t have to get approval by someone else, with someone else’s money, with someone else’s network who has someone else’s goals and someone else’s objectives tied to success.
And I like helping us as individuals be really successful in this creative space and hopefully for as long. As I’ve been able to help some talent build their talent brands, and I hate name dropping, but for the sake of raving, waving a red flag saying I’ve been, I’ve been doing this a while. You know, I, we got to put, I got to, I was in a position where, where we put Beyonce in her first film and brought Mandy Moore to TV and helped Ashton Kutcher realize that.
As a producer, he was capable of not just creating a hit show, but a production company, a media company that ultimately launched his, you know, a, a much different career trajectory than just being in front of the camera for him helped Jessica Simpson reset her entire identification and in front of the entire world by giving her 30 minutes to tell her story on newlyweds instead of three minutes in a music video.
And those small changes made a huge impact. And I’m not saying I made all the decisions or any of them, but I was in the room. So I’m here to help.
How I Have a Podcast Got Started
Oh, I miss my friends. I’m, you know I don’t work with Mandy Moore, Jamie Lynn Siegler, Danielle Fi, TJ Lavin from the Challenge. I don’t work with them anymore the way that I used to where I was paid by the network to develop opportunities for them or, working with them directly. And I realize I never want to go back to a situation where I let a company pay me to do what I do best.
I don’t want, I’m not saying that I’m not afraid to make money doing it, but I don’t want that to be the only time that I do it. Like, I love developing people’s careers. I love whispering things in their ears, knowing what tools they have super easy access to, or maybe I understand something about them holding them back. And what I’m trying to do now on my podcast with all those people I’ve mentioned, I go back, I talk about the decisions we made with Mandy. It’s fun. Like, gotta remember when she got the phone call for Princess Diaries and we were like well, I mean, it’s got Julie Andrews in it, so that’s gotta be kind of cool. So I do it. And hopefully that’s what you get from the podcast. .
The Vibe of I Have a Podcast
It’s like this, it’s just conversational. It’s not, it’s not people trying to poke around getting at answers. I already know the answers. I already know the people. It’s the story that we haven’t quite figured out. So it’s not like I’m poking around Nebulously and I don’t know what I’m trying to evoke or explain to be honest too. Because my guests are coming. The access that I have to these people. What I’m trying to demonstrate is, yeah, you can put these people on your podcast, but you’ll never get to talk to them about the things that I talk to ’em about, because I was in the room with them when decisions, when these decisions were made.
Where to Find I Have a Podcast
Find mepe.tv. I have a list. I have this thing called the Creator Hub, where it’s a free membership. Please come in. I help people win awards find creator marketing platforms that are paying out podcasters or creators. Just ways to get discovered. It’s literally hundreds of links and data points and tools and resources that are always free. I’m @VinnyPatte on all social media. I specifically spend a lot of time on Twitter and LinkedIn, so just like, say hi. It’s a good place. It’s a good way to start.
I Have a Podcast & Little Ears
Yes, the podcast is perfect for little ears. We might have some Scooby-Doo jokes, which means it’ll go over the kid’s head. You don’t gotta worry about it. But you know, by definition, I don’t use certain language and words and anything I do because I know that the question gets amplified in the answer. So assure you that there is a lot of intent and repurposing with every question that we ask and every conversation we air.
Final Thoughts on I Have a Podcast
You are awesome and thank you so much for the space. And anyway, I can help you out. Let me know. And anyone else listening to this who has a podcast, I have something called, Ihaveapodcast.com.
If you actually go to, Ihaveapodcast.com/interview, you’ll see a form, a featured podcaster form, and if you fill out that form, that’s where I’m able to create a Google News verified. Article that will, you know, have long standing effects. So please take me up on this offer and let me write, you know, a custom article about you and, and get that out there.

And any way I can help amplify your podcast or anyone’s podcast that’s listening to this, you know, that’s, that’s literally what I’m here for. I’m doing the same thing I did at MTV 25 years ago. I’m finding the next stars for the next 20 years, and I’m doing it the same exact way. I’m just not letting MTV pay me for it.