Alli’s Favorite Podcasts About Writing and Books!

Today’s episode is a chat I had with one of my dear friends, Allison Anderson, whose first book comes out in two weeks from today. It’s called The Spring Maiden. I’ve already read a tiny sneak peek and you can too if you join her email list which is found on her website which is linked below.

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In this episode we chat about her favorite podcasts about writing and books. If you are an aspiring author or interested in writing and the behind the scenes of publishing, you’ll enjoy these recommendations. 

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During our conversation, Alli and I cover some of her favorite podcasts about writing and books that help her as a writer and entertain her as an avid reader.

Podcast Consultations

I’ve been able to talk to some amazing podcasters about their shows while doing interviews for the friendly podcast guide. Along the way, I’ve learned so many tips and tricks on how to start a podcast from personal experience and from the hosts I’ve interviewed. I’ve talked to them about what made their launch successful and what made it more difficult. I for sure know what I would do differently if I could go back and launch my show again.

Now I want to share my knowledge with you. I’m offering podcast consults and I have a couple of spots open in the next month. If you need help nailing down your podcast idea, figuring out your niche, or any other podcast questions, I would love to work with you to make your show’s launch the best it can be.

If you’re interested in working with me, fill out the intake form in the show notes. I can’t wait to make a podcast plan that is tailored to you and your podcast, and we’ll make your launch as smooth and successful as possible.  

Meeting Allison

I am a wife and a mom. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I’m also a very avid book reader. There were some really, really good podcasts for when I was starting out. As I was trying to figure out my author thing and where I wanted to go and what I was doing, podcasts helped. 

I didn’t know anything and I kind of started out a little bit later than a lot of authors. Since I had a later start, I needed as much help as I could get. I was kind of feasting on all of the author knowledge so I tried a bunch of podcasts. There were some that I did listen to a lot and they really did help me in the beginning, figure out what I wanted as an author and what was going to work for me specifically.

Podcasts About Writing: Your Mom Writes Books

The first one I always, always recommend is Your Mom Writes Books, which is a great title. The hosts are Charlie N Holmberg who writes some amazing speculative fiction. She does gaslight historical fiction, but it always has magic in it. It’s really fun. She just came out with her first troll romance and it’s pretty good. Then Caitlyn McFarland is the other host and she also writes. She has a dragon shifter series. She’s amazing. They’re both amazing and I love them. 

I really liked their podcasts because they are podcasts about writing but they kind of talk about everything. They talk about the publishing industry and that to expect.  I really appreciated it when I was querying. When you query, it’s when you’re, you’re trying to get an agent to sell your book to publishers.

They had this whole podcast episode just on querying. They talked about what to expect, where different resources were for querying. What you needed to look for and watch out for. They shared the faux pas because especially in publishing there is a lot of secret etiquette. You don’t know these rules and you have to know them, but you have to get it taught to you.

That was the podcast about writing that taught me that. That was something that really helped me starting out.

Between the Lines

The hosts are Sarah M. Eden, Traci Hunter Abramson, Esther Hatch, and Sian Ann Bessey. They are all Regency Romance Authors. Tracy is romance and she does mystery thrillers. I know Sean and Tracy really, really well. I’m friends with them.

It’s a hoot. It’s these little friends, they get together and they just talk about books. They have cute little guests on. They had my other friend, Amanda Taylor on there recently. You just feel like you’re just hanging out with your friends because they’re just goofy and silly.

They talk about everything. It’s really nice for readers and writers. They don’t limit it just to writing stuff. They’ll talk about books, they’ll talk about topics like, what are some fun books to read with your family this summer? It’s a little bit wider of an audience, which is kind of nice.

You also feel like you’re in on a secret a little bit because they tell you stuff about the industry that normal people don’t know. But then they’re making jokes about them texting each other and they have texting Tuesdays. It’s just so silly and you feel like they are your friends and they’re just some of the sweetest women that I know. Their podcast is super, super fun.  

Getting to Know Authors

It is great if you want to learn about how, how books are made or like a lot of the backstage stuff which I enjoy from podcasts about writing. There’s so much stuff that even I didn’t know in the very beginning. I’ve learned it in the last couple of years that I was like, I would have never guessed that that’s something that authors have to deal with. Authors are basically just a picture at the back of a book. If you want to know what authors are doing some of these podcasts are really good to get to know an author and what their life is like

Authors love fan interactions. Authors are fans of our fans. I’s such a tight knit community and like we pour our souls into these books. So when you read them and you love them you’re loving a part of our soul. We just appreciate that so much more. Any kind of fan interaction, we eat it up like crazy.

Intentionally Blank

This podcasts is produced by Brandon Sanderson and Dan Wells. They started this podcast because Brandon Sanderson was just sitting in a room signing thousands and thousands of books for all of these Kickstarters. He’s thought to himself, we’re just sitting here talking, why don’t we record it? So they did. 

It’s a really fun podcast. They always start the podcast with a story of a heist. One they shared was The Big Maple Sap Heist. It happened in either Canada or the Northern U.S. These people, these people stole  thousands and thousands of gallons of maple syrup. They made tons of money. 

Another was an alligator farm where they stole all these alligator eggs.  There were elephants that were stealing sugarcane out of the back of farmers trucks. They always start the podcast with a heist. It’s a really fun segue into it. Then they just talk about movies that they’ve watched. 

They’ll talk about anything, but since they’re writers they still talk about writer things, but it’s not a craft podcast or a book podcast. It’s mostly them being goofy and having a conversation while Brandon Sanderson just sits there and signs thousands of books.

If you want to listen to two people have a dorky conversation about heists or about why they didn’t like certain movies or why they did like certain movies or like anything and everything in between. It’s a fun, dorky podcast with nerds. It’s a nerdy podcast because they’re nerds.

The Spring Maiden

My book, The Spring Maiden comes out October 3rd and I am so, so excited. It’s available for pre-order pretty much everywhere. If you pre order, you can submit your receipt for some swag on my website which is linked above. 

Literary podcasts about writing and books you will love,

Ready to Tune in to Podcasts About Writing?

Thank you for listening to today’s episode. All of those podcast names were pure gold. If I ever start another podcast, I’m definitely running all of my name ideas past several different writers. Let me know on Instagram when you try out any of these podcasts about writing and books so we can talk about them.

Don’t forget, if you have the itch to start a podcast, But need some help fill out the form in the show notes so I can answer all of your podcast questions during a free podcast consultation.