The Sounding Board

The Sounding Board is a 6-week small group coaching program that will take your podcast from a decent long-term marketing strategy to the perfect tool the help you get fully booked and stay that way.

The Sounding Board

The BEST Part of the Program

While there is a lot of great content that you will learn while in The Sounding Board program, the BEST part is the community of motivated podcasters you get to meet, connect with and learn from. 

There is a special energy that comes from being surrounded by motivated people who are all working toward similar goals and The Sounding Board puts you in the middle of all that great energy.

We will meet once a week via a Zoom call and will chat in an exclusive Voxer group in between calls.


During each week of The Sounding Board program we will cover a different aspect of podcasting. Here are the topics we will be covering in the program:

  • Week 1: Nailing down your tagline, your purple cow and your show description (including making it SEO friendly)
  • Week 2: Equipment & editing software
  • Week 3: Intro/Outro: writing, recording and music
  • Week 4: Podcast trailer: writing and recording
  • Week 5: Episodes: ideation, writing and recording
  • Week 6: Publishing your episodes & promoting them (including apple podcast approval, podcast platform options, making your show notes SEO friendly, pitching yourself as a podcast guest, etc.)


I will charge $750 to join The Sounding Board in the future, but because this is the first time for this type of group program you will get a special founding members price of: $375.

Sign up for The Sounding Board

If you’ve been wanting to up your podcast game and take it from a decent long-term marketing strategy to the perfect tool to get fully booked and stay that way join The Sounding Board!