Tracy Wilson is a serial entrepreneur and gives so many fabulous nuggets of wisdom, while also making me laugh with her fabulous sense of humor.
Links from the Episode:
-One of Tracy’s favorite episodes: Are You Ready to be a Guest on Other People’s Podcasts and Shows?

More About Unlocked with Tracy Wilson
The show description is: the Unlocked show is both entertaining and practical, providing actionable advice and information that will help you unlock your online success along with a healthy dose of family and life success secrets too. The length of each episode is about an hour and it is kid ear friendly. The series is ongoing with new episodes available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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Would you rate and review the friendly podcast guide as a gift to me, for my birthday, the two main places to do that are on apple podcasts and Spotify. It would mean so much to me. If you could give me a positive review, I read every single one and they make my heart so happy.
Introduction to Tracy Wilson
I am one would say a serial entrepreneur started, you know, my entrepreneurial endeavors about nine years ago now, after being a teen mom, after having a corporate career sort of jumped out of those and You know, think first into the entrepreneurial world. And now I run multiple businesses and I absolutely love it I am based on the gold coast of Australia. And yeah, lucky that the sun shines here most of the time.
Why Tracy Started Her Podcast
I started a podcast because I realized that, gosh, I’ve gotta find a way, figure out a way of being able to share my knowledge, share my skills, share my services and products. And how the heck am I gonna do that? You know, spending a whole heap of time, trying to figure that out, across all the different social media platforms. I knew that I had to find what I call an anchor platform. And for me, that was actually a live show. So my podcast is a little bit different in the sense that it’s a video live show that I stream twice a week through Facebook and through YouTube.
And then once I’ve done my live show, I take that live show and it becomes a podcast and becomes all of my social media content for all the other platforms that I wish to be on these days. So it just saves me a whole heap of time, but I did that right back. I think I’m at about 150 episodes now in my show.
And I did it for a number of different reasons. One was that anchor platform, but the second reason was that I really wanted to find a way of being able to increase my level of confidence and speaking and to be able to take what I knew from a platform like this being podcasting or live show, and then being able to transition that to a live stage style audience.
That’s really why I created it. Not to mention the fact that I had the cool stuff that I wanted to share with, not just with my audience, my students that I had been working with, but I wanted to be able to share that with a much broader and wider audience that enabled me to connect with people all over the world.
What to Expect from Unlocked with Tracy Wilson
Well, when I created my podcast, I really needed to cover three things for me because I know, and one of the methods I teach called the ACE method, it needed to make sure that it increased my level of influence, authority and my confidence.
Secondly, I needed to be able to create a connection with my audience. So it made me do a lot of research on who it was that I wanted to help and who I didn’t want to help. And then I wanted to make sure that I created content that was actionable because I think a lot of the time, you know, we can go down the path of trying to get information and we gather it all, but without actually taking action on it, it’s not really a lot of good for you. So I wanted to make sure that my podcast was educational, that it had a lot of step by step instructions you know, melded into it, but also was engaging enough that it touched all of the pain points and the challenges that my audience were facing. And then also had an element of motivation and inspiration with it. So that’s the way in which I’ve created my show.
The Vibe of Unlocked with Tracy Wilson
I’m pretty relaxed, kind of a person and I try not to, you know, get too wound up in things. I like to see the brighter side of life. So my show is very upbeat. I like to have guests on my show, so usually on a Wednesday I have a guest show. And then on a Friday I do a solo episode.
Any guests that I bring on board, I really like them to know their stuff. So I do a lot of research on who they are and what they’re about and, and can they actually impart some value to my audience in a really interesting way. So I wanna make sure that is the case. So it’s quite lighthearted is the way that I would describe, you know, lighthearted, but also informative.
Tracy’s Favorite Episodes
There’s a couple that really do, and, and this is just from my own personal perspective. There’s some great, such a plethora of awesome information in all of the shows that will help people either start or grow their own online businesses, shows or podcasts. There’s a bunch of that sort of information sprinkled throughout every show.
There’s, you know, an element of family and life, because I’m a firm believer that you kind of can’t that they all fit together. Right. That’s like, Business family life all goes together. You can’t compartmentalize them.
There’s a couple of shows that spring to mind, one of them was with Terry Brit and Terry had a little ditty that she said before. When I was doing some research on her show and I don’t know where it came out of me, but it got me singing and I’m no singer. I don’t know, you might not wanna go and listen to it cause it might hurt your ears people, but it was a bit of fun for me and it made me get outside my comfort zone.
There’s a couple of really good shows in there around podcasting. And just before we jumped on live, Andi was saying to me, Hey, I listened to one of your shows around, you know podcasting.
So there’s loads of shows actually, throughout all of my material that talk about podcasting. There’s one on how to create a speakers kit. And I think that’s really useful for a lot of people because in most of my shows, particularly if I’m doing a solo show, I try to give a lot of information during the show, but then I usually have something, a resource or a tool that they could take away and use. And in that show, there’s actually a couple of things that I give away for free. Which is how to create your own speakers kit and how to create a template for you to be able to do that. Because if you’re going to be a guest on other people’s shows, it’s highly likely that they’re going to want to see that from you before they have you as a guest on a show.
Unlocked with Tracy Wilson & Little Ears
I’m really careful about the language that I use for that very reason. There may be the odd You know, word or two that might come out. But most of the shows, they’re all, you know, my grandchildren could listen to them and it not be a problem.
Where to Find Tracy & Her Show
So the best way to find me is to go to trace the M And you’ll find that there’s a tab that says podcast. You can click on that. And you’ll find the unlocked show there. Every episode gets uploaded to my website, but also you can find me on all the major podcasting platforms. So iTunes, Apple, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, just to name a few I’m across all.

Tracy’s Final Thoughts
I would just say, if you’re somebody who is thinking, I wanna create my own business, I’m not really sure how to do it. I wanna create something online, then check out a lot of my material.
And secondly, if you are sitting back thinking, gosh, I would love to do what Andi and Tracy are doing and either create my own podcast or create my own show. I would say, go do it, you know? Get out there. Start, take one step and start. And don’t look back and just keep going.