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More About Women of Substance
This podcast is curated with the best new music by female indie artists and female fronted bands in all genres. The length is about 45 minutes to an hour long. The series is ongoing with new episodes available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday. Before we learn more about the vibe of the show, we’re going to take a quick break to talk about my free guide to find podcasts you’ll love.
Free Podcast Guide
I hope you’re excited about Women of Substance, but if you’re not sure if it’s a good fit for you, I have a guide that can help you find a podcast you will love. The guide has nine different types of podcasts like history, parenting, and Health and Wellness. And under each type of podcast, there are links to three different shows that is 27 different podcasts for you to choose from.
If you try a couple and you don’t like any of them, I put my email at the bottom of the guide so you can email me and I will personally help you find a podcast you will love.
Introduction to Bree
So my name’s Bree Noble, obviously. I am a musician, a business owner. I have a background in both. I am a female indie artist and that is why I will get into that in a minute.
But like, that’s really why I started this podcast because I wanted to help other female indie artists get heard. I absolutely love that you found a need and you filled it.
How Women of Substance Got Started
Yeah, so there’s actually a background to this. Before the podcast I had an online radio station, you know. Oh cool. That was what was cool in the two thousands. So, I actually started it, I think around 2000 on Live 365. And honestly it was a total hobby. It was actually just for me to be able to listen to the music that I wanted at work, because this was before pod, you know, before iPods and all those things, like MP3 players and any of that.
And so I was. I have this list of awesome songs. I wanna listen to it at work. How can I do that? Oh, I’ll create my own online radio station and I’ll be the only one that listens to it. So I create this thing, I called it Women of Substance just because I knew the kind of music I was putting on there. Which we can get into in a minute too.
But I, you know, that was kind of just the name that came to me, right, right away, you know? And I was like, well, this is only my playlist, so I’m gonna put that there. Well, then you put it on live 365 like it was for me, but like, it was in the public eye. And so people started listening to it and I was like, Wow, people like this thing.
And so eventually I ended, like several years down the road, I ended up actually turning that into a commercial station where we had commercials and we had our own website and all of that. And then I kind of just saw in the early like 2010s that podcasting was really the future and not online radio.
We weren’t really growing. And so I transitioned it to a podcast and I liked it even better because I could, you know, say a little bit about each artist instead of just basically creating a playlist.
For me, you know, I grew up listening to like a Marriage, American Top 40 and that kind of stuff, and I always loved like the little tidbits about the artists that like, you know, the strange things that happened to them or the reason that they wrote a particular song. And that always really intrigued me. And so I’m like, can we, why don’t we do that for indie artists?
What to Expect from Women of Substance
Well, the biggest thing I want them to get outta my podcast is to learn about new indie artists that they might like. So, you know, it’s kind of like you can go on Spotify and you can like look for some playlist. There really aren’t a lot out there that are just female artists and specifically for our show, you know, Women of Substance.
Like the point is high quality. And also my goal was it is not just like fluffy like party music, right? It is music that has substance, which means that it’s gonna stick with you, whether it’s the lyrics or just the amazing sound of someone’s voice. But a lot of times it’s really about the lyrics and the message in the song.
So I just want people to feel like here’s some great new music. Go check out those artists, you know, follow them on Spotify, even, like maybe join their fan list, join their social media. Like I just want to get, you know, more information out there about really good artists. So I just want to add a lot more points of interest by being able to talk about the artists and stuff. So people will go and wanna learn.
The Vibe of Women of Substance
It’s, I’d say it’s very much like positive. We have some themes that we do throughout the year. They’re always very positive based. So like our main themes that we do are like the love songs for Valentine’s Day. We have the celebrating Motherhood series around Mother’s Day just coming up. I’m just like going through all the songs right now and choosing them is our Music with a Conscience series, which is our most popular. And it’s all about like songs about social justice and, you know and also. Hope and inspiration and just talking about certain issues in the world, that kind of thing. And then of course we have our holiday series in December.
But it’s great to be able to focus around those four themes every year because people know what to expect and they look forward to them and they can literally be writing songs with that in.
Bree’s Favorite Episode
Well, I was gonna say like, I can pick two types of things. Like I said, the series, the music with a conscious series, like every year it gets better and better. It’s amazing the songs that are submitted for it, and that always is in the fall. And we’ve done that every year for like, I think it’s been like 11 years or some crazy thing, like we started it out on the radio show.
But I’d say my favorite episode is probably episode 1000, because we did a big thing for that. When we first started, we were doing five days a week, and then we switched down to three days a week. So that’s why we have so many episodes. We’re right now on like episode 1350 or something like that. But episode 1000, we just kind of, you know, did a retrospective and like had some of the artists come on and, and talk and it was just, it was fun to look back over the years and at, right around that time, just a little before that time, I handed it off to another host. So I hosted like almost 1000 episodes and then I’ve handed it off to our host Beth, who hosts it now.
She does a great job, but I still choose all the music, so I’m still very much involved. It’s just that I have two other podcasts, so I was like, You’re busy. What about this?
Women of Substance & Little Ears
It is. We do wanna keep our clean rating on iTunes, so occasionally there may be like a word that slips through, but definitely no F word. Like we’re definitely trying to keep it. If I hear anything, I always ask the artist if they have a clean version and if they don’t, I tell them that we can’t use their music.
Final Thoughts on Women of Substance
I think that you know, our listeners, they come because they know that we’re curating the music and they wanna learn about new music. And they don’t feel like a lot of times they don’t feel like, you know, Spotify or whatever they use Apple Music, whatever, to listen to music they don’t feel like is really getting like, What they like when trying to serve them music.
And so this, we have, we cover all genres. So it will be a very diverse show. And you might not like everything, but you will find something you like and you’ll also be exposed to like new stuff that you probably didn’t know you liked. So I mean, we have everything from rock to country to folk to You know, straight up pop, singer songwriter like jazz, you know, pretty much everything you can think of we’ve had on the show.

Where to Find Women of Substance
You can find it at Or that will take you right to the podcast. If you’re a female artist and you wanna submit music, just go to We have a system for that and you’ll see it all over the page there. And we are on pretty much everything except Spotify because they find us too competitive to their playlists. So we are not allowed to be on Spotify cuz we’re too similar to. But you can find us on Apple Music and, and Amazon music and all the, you know, all the regular places, just not Spotify.