I have a very special guest on the podcast today. My son Danny is going to talk about his current favorite podcasts and give kid podcast recommendations. He was a natural with a microphone and it was so much fun hearing about podcasts he enjoys in a longer conversation than we usually have about them. I hope that you can find one of these that your kids will enjoy!
Danny has been listening to podcasts since he was born because I found podcasts around the time he was born. In the last two years or so, we found the world of kid podcasts and his interest in finding his own podcasts that he loves has skyrocketed. I can’t wait to introduce you to him and his favorite shows and kid podcast recommendations!
Guide to Kid Podcasts
Danny only shares three kid podcasts with you today, so if you’re looking for more options, I have a resource for you. I use them all the time and you can too.
You can use podcasts when you’re running errands with the kiddos to keep them from complaining the whole time. When you need a mom break, you can grab an easy activity like coloring pages or magnet tiles, turn on a kid podcast and your kids will be entertained for at least half an hour. That’s only the tip of the iceberg in terms of ways you can use kid podcasts.
To help you figure out which one is best for your kids, I made a guide to kid podcasts. There are eight categories on this guide, ranging from science to mindfulness, to audio drama, with at least three podcasts in each category. There are 28 podcasts in total on the guide. I’ve listened to each of the podcasts, so I can attest to them being kid friendly.
I also put my email at the bottom of the guide so that if you try a couple with your kids and none of them are a good fit, you can email me. I will personally help you find a kid podcast that works for your family. You can grab this guide at the link at the top of this blog.
Danny’s Favorite Podcasts
This is my adorable conversation with Danny, who’s in first grade. He divulges some of his favorite podcasts.
The last podcast I listened to was Lively Louis stories. It’s one of my favorites, but not in my top, top favorites.
The first time I listened to podcasts was a podcast called Story Pirates. It was our first kid podcast.
My first favorite is a really new one to me. They haven’t put out the second season. It’s been my favorite ever since they put it on Storypad. It’s called Pixel Quest. It’s really fun. In the first season, they save one thing. There’s five really strong dudes guarding the place, and it’s really fun. It’s usually in the forest but it started at a house. It’s like a video game.
Miles the Brave
My next favorite is one I started listening when the first season came out. It came out when we first got a story button and it’s called Miles the Brave. It’s one of my favorites about a kid going to this special forest. Some people are trying to make it a zoo, and take all the life out of it.
They want to turn it into a zoo so they can be the richest people in the universe. There are three seasons now. The third season is my favorite because they go fight Noctis and cool stuff like that. My favorite character in Miles the Brave is Pax. He’s this huge, brave, cool lion. He’s probably like ten times bigger than a normal lion.
Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest
I also like Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest. They’re different episodes. I like Grimmest a lot and Grimmer. Those are my two favorites.
The stories are sometimes a little scary, sometimes medium scary, and sometimes pretty scary, but not scary enough to scare the crap out of you. They’re stories from the Brothers Grimm, but they’re like the actual stories that are kind of creepy and silly. I like the animals episode a lot. It’s really fun and creepy and cool.
Advice for Moms
You could buy Storybutton. It’s only like, something bucks. I don’t think it’s as high as ten, but it’s pretty cheap. I think there’s an app on Storybutton where you can just find some podcasts.
Or you can search GoKidGo, they have a lot of good ones there. My favorite GoKidGo podcast is Bobby Wonder. It’s just cool. I’m also really interested in This Silver Lining. It’s really new to Go Kid Go.
Behind the Scenes On These Kid Podcast Recommendations
I am so lucky to be Danny’s mom. Don’t you agree? I wanted to give a little bit more context about the shows he talked about so that you can figure out if they’re a good fit for your kiddos.
The first show Danny talked about, Pixel Quest, is about a boy in a video game type world that can’t level up like his friends. He still goes on an adventure to save the four heroes that are scattered throughout this world. It’s new, like he said. Right now, only the first season is out, but we know that there must be another season coming.
Danny did a great job describing Miles the Brave, and I have nothing to add to that one. The only thing I wanted to tell you about the third show Danny recommended, Grim Grimmer Grimmest, is that the shows are rated by scary level. Grimm are not very scary. Grimmer, are a little bit scary and maybe kind of gross. Grimmest, are scary and probably at least a little gross. Danny said his favorites are Grimmer and Grimmest ones.
All of the kid podcasts Danny talked about today will be in the show notes, so you can easily find whichever one you want to try out with your family.
If you want more kid podcast recommendations, you can grab my kid podcast guide. Talk to you soon.