How to be a Business Mom, Marketing with Michelle Gifford

Learn from Michelle How to be a Business Mom

Have you ever started following someone on social media and just thought, this person gets me. Michelle Gifford is that person for me, she is a mom and a marketing expert and she is able to merge the two beautifully on her podcast, Marketing with Michelle Gifford where she helps moms who do both motherhood and business.

Links from the Episode:

business mom holding lap top,

Marketing with Michelle Gifford Show Description

Michelle describes the show like this: The Marketing with Michelle Gifford podcast is for you if you are ready to start, grow, or scale your business as a busy business mom. So grab a pen and paper and let’s get to work.

When Michelle is imparting her wisdom on us by herself. Those episodes around 15 to 20 minutes long, and then the episodes when she interviews someone else about their business, those are 45 minutes to an hour long. The series is ongoing with new episodes available on Tuesdays and Thursday.

Olive & June

Before we learn more about the vibe of the show, we’re going to take a quick break to talk about Olive and June nail polish. I love having nail polish on, but I don’t handle it well When my nail polish starts to chip a day or two after I paint my nails, that is where Olive and June comes in.

I use their mani system and my nail polish will stay on for a week with no chipping. It brings me so much joy every time I look at my nails with these fun colors, and I want you to have that joy. You can get 20% off a mani or pedi system by using the affiliate link in the show notes.

Introduction to Michelle

My name is Michelle Gifford. I run a marketing agency. I also teach people how to grow their business online. I am a mom to five kids and I live in California.

Why Michelle Started Her Podcast

I started my podcast, because I started my business when my son was a baby because, my husband is in medical school and we needed some money. Also I needed something that was challenging to me, you know, I wanted something that was mine.

So I started a business and that was 16 years ago. My oldest is 16 and I’ve learned a ton along the way and I want to make that really accessible to women who want to learn how to grow business. We have never had so many opportunities to grow business from our home or in a way that we actually want. And so I wanna make sure that women and men, we have some men in our audience, but that they they can get them the knowledge and the tools that they need to grow their business easily and efficiently and their way.

There’s a lot of voices out there and there just aren’t that many women voices who are moms or a business mom who are like, “Hey, I get it.” Like I’ve had a baby in my arms, nursing a baby while I’m typing stuff, or you know, answering emails and we can do it. It’s a different way. You don’t have time for all the fluff, you don’t have time for stuff that doesn’t really work. And so I give you real time tested marketing tools and tips that you can implement right now so that you don’t waste any time.

What to Expect from Marketing with Michelle Gifford

I want listeners to, number one, feel like they can do this. You know, it can feel overwhelming when you’re starting or growing or scaling a business…all different types.

So because I teach business and I also run a marketing agency, I serve the gamut of women in business, right? Someone in my marketing agency that we create consistent content for, they are making a lot of money, but there are still some things that that they need help with that is also similar to people who are just starting and growing.

And there’s some mindset things that you need to know and there’s some tools that everyone needs to know. And so what I want people to take away from my podcast is, number one, confidence they can do it.

And number two, the tools to make it happen. Like, like I don’t want you to just think about being awesome, doing the thing. I want you to know exactly how to do it and to know that you can.

Business Can Look Different for a Business Mom

I mean, like this business, especially if you’re doing it with. It might take a little bit longer, but you can give yourself the space to make your business whatever you want it to be. You know, it can take 16 years if you want it, you know, or you can speed it up depending on what you want your life to look like.

But I think it’s an amazing time that we live in, that we have the tools and the option to do this. And so I just wanna make those tools as accessible as possible.

The Vibe of Marketing with Michelle Gifford

I’m probably your big sister who gives you a, a lot of love and also that kick in the pants you need because I see your potential and I know you can do and be the person that you wanna be.

So maybe like a warm hug and a kick in the pants.

Where to Find Michelle

So you can find me on social media anywhere @IamMichelleGifford. That’s also my website. and you should totally join my coaching group.

It’s called the Money Makers, Insta Money Makers, where we give you all the tools you need to grow. And then my podcast is Michelle Gifford podcast. Yeah. If you type in Michelle Gifford anywhere you’re looking, I should come up. That’s the goal. Well, if you can’t find me, I’m not doing my job .

The Episodes Michelle Recommends Starting With

So if I were, if you were just starting out with like, learning of how my methodology, I would start, it’s episode 155 and it’s really where I break down the moneymaker method. Where I walk through how to set up like how is, how are these businesses set up?

You know, we see these people going, Have a ton of following and you know, whatever, but like, how do they actually make money? And so that episode starts a series of episodes that walks through, like how to set your business up, right. So if you’re starting or growing or looking to scale, this is a good place cuz it walks you through all the things that you need to know.

One of my favorite Interview episodes is with Sharon Says So I listen to that on a regular basis because she really breaks down social media strategy. I mean, if, you know, Sharon says, so she exploded on Instagram and she did it all in stories, which is really interesting because that is not how most people grow on Instagram. I So in that interview I ask her what her strategy for stories? Like how did she do that? And she walks through her method. She’s very open about it, and it’s a really good episode if you are wanting to figure out how people are actually growing on Instagram right now.

And I mean, like, who doesn’t wanna listen to her? She’s the best. 

Marketing with Michelle Gifford & Little Ears

Yes, I don’t say any bad words. I wouldn’t do that to you.