We are in the middle of spring break season, and I know many of you are most likely traveling in some form or fashion. I wanted to give you some kid podcasts you can use to entertain your kids on a road trip to help it go a bit smoother.
I did a similar episode with podcast recommendations for road trips with kids, teens, and adults last year. In case you want even more podcasts to choose from, I’ll link that episode below.

- Guide to Kid Podcasts
- Friendly Podcast Guide Road Trip Podcasts Episode
- Eleanor Amplified Podcast
- Eleanor Amplified Podcast Episode 1
- Daydreaming Podcast
- Daydreaming Podcast Friendly Podcast Guide Episode
- Daydreaming Podcast Golden Quest Episode
- Disney Frozen, Forces of Nature Podcast
- Disney Frozen, Forces of Nature Podcast Episode 1
- Otter Space Podcast
- Otter Space Podcast Episode 1
- Otter Space Friendly Podcast Guide Episode
- Stoopkid Stories
- Stoopkid Stories Let’s Just Dance Episode
Eleanor Amplified
The first kid podcast on my list of podcasts for kids on a road trip is Eleanor Amplified. I’ve talked about this kid podcast before and I doubt this is the last time I’ll talk about it. My family found this podcast last year and we were super late to the party. This podcast came out in 2016. We don’t even care because we are obsessed. Eleanor is a world famous radio reporter who foils devious plots and outwits crafty villains all in pursuit of the big story.
My whole family is entertained by each episode of Eleanor Amplified. Quite honestly, Scott and I laugh more than the kids do. It’s a series with several seasons, and each episode is around 10 minutes. I can almost guarantee that you’ll want to listen to several in a row once you start listening. This show is made for kids that are elementary school age and older, but my preschooler enjoyed it too.
I recommend starting on the first episode so that your family can get the most out of the story and no one gets confused. We’ll make sure to link this episode and all of the other episodes I talk about today in the links above.
Daydreaming Podcast
The next kid podcast I want to talk about is called the Daydreaming Podcast. This one started because the creator asked himself, what would it be like to have audio books for picture books? The Daydreaming Podcast was the answer.
Each episode is an audio story that comes to life with expert narrators and spellbinding sound effects. I got to interview the creator of this kid podcast. If you want to hear more about the vibe of this podcast and how it all came to be, make sure to listen to that episode. We’ll link it in the show notes. When I talked to Benjamin Carroll, the creator of Daydreaming podcast, he said that this podcast is made for kids about 12 years old and younger.
The sound effects make the little kids excited and the older kids really like the stories. There are almost a hundred episodes to choose from. I recommend just browsing through the episodes to see if one catches your kid’s attention.
If that sounds overwhelming to you, then you could start with the Golden Quest, Your Journey to a Rich Life. This episode has awesome sound effects and a very engaging narrator. Your kids will learn about finances in an interesting and engaging way.
Guide to Kid Podcasts
One of my favorite parenting tools is kid podcasts. That’s why I’m doing an entire episode about podcasts for kids on a road trip.
I use them not only during road trips, but also when I need a break. I’ll grab an easy activity like coloring pages or a sensory bin, turn on a kid podcast, and the kids will be entertained for at least half an hour. I know that kid podcasts would help you in your life too which is why I made a guide to kid podcasts.
In the guide there are eight categories ranging from science to mindfulness to audio drama with at least three podcasts in each category. There are 28 podcasts in total on the guide. I’ve listened to each of the podcasts so I can attest to them being kid friendly.
I also put my email at the bottom of the guide so that if you try a couple with your kids and none of them are a good fit, you can email me and I will personally help you find a kid podcast that works for your littles and you. You can grab the guide at the link above.
Disney Frozen, Forces of Nature
The next podcast for kids on a road trip is Disney Frozen, Forces of Nature. Yes, this is Frozen with your favorite characters. It features Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf in the Frozen universe. This story takes place after the adventures in the movie Frozen 2. My 2 and 4 year old are obsessed with Frozen so when I found this podcast, I knew it would be a winner.
It’s interesting enough that I don’t mind listening to it while we’re running errands in the car. This show is also a series, so starting with the first episode would be the best way to listen to it. The show description says this show is for kids, ages 6 to 12, but my 2 and 4 year old love it. I think it’s mostly because they get to hear all of the voices that they know and love.
Otter Space
Otter Space is the next kid podcast on today’s list. This is another one that I’ve talked about before, but I couldn’t help but talk about it again. It’s a fun one with a whole cast of different people voicing the different characters in this show.
I love it when a storytelling podcast uses a different voice for each character. It makes the story come alive in a way that is so fun. This podcast is about two sea otters who must save Earth from an alien civilization that has outlawed all forms of playing. If you know anything about sea otters, they are incredibly playful so it gets a little chaotic and exciting.
This podcast is made for kids that are elementary school age up to tweens. When I talked to the creators of Otter Space on an episode of the Friendly Podcast Guide, they told me that a much wider range of kids and adults enjoy the show. That episode is also linked above. If you want to dive deeper into the behind the scenes of the show you’ll enjoy it. This is another podcast that’s a series, so I recommend starting at the very beginning. This ensures your family gets to enjoy all of the goodness and you don’t miss any of the details.
Stoopkid Stories
The last podcast for kids on a road trip is called Stoopkid Stories. This podcast follows seven kids who face new adventures and have to overcome different obstacles dealing with their friends, family, school, and community. This is a great podcast to spark conversations after the episode is done. For example, if you want to have a conversation with your kiddo about being safe online, there’s an episode about cyber safety that can help you ease into that conversation.
It also has one of my favorite intros of any podcast I’ve ever listened to. Even if you don’t have kids right now, or you don’t have little kids, I recommend going and downloading an episode just to listen to the intro. It makes me smile every time I listen.
If you’re looking for a place to start the episode called Let’s Just Dance is a cute one that talks about the importance of expressing our feelings and resolving conflicts with the people we care about most.

Entertain Your Kids on a Road Trip
I’m sure these podcasts will help to entertain your kids on a road trip and help your travels go smoother this spring and summer. If you would like some more kid podcast suggestions, grab my kid podcast guide by clicking the link in the show notes.