Kodie and Felisha describe their show like this, an uncensored podcast where BFF’s, Kodie, and Felisha spill the coffee on motherhood, building a military family, and every mess in between.
Motherhood is hard under normal circumstances, but when you add in moving every couple of years and military deployment, that is a whole extra level of difficulty. This week’s podcast is called KoFe Confessions, and it’s all about navigating the world of being a military family.

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- KoFe Confessions Website
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- Pilot Episode
- See you when I see Podcast Episode
- The Branches and It’s Wives Episode
- Kylie and the Deployment Wall – Kodie and Felisha’s Resource for Military Families
We get to hear from Kodie and Felisha as they share how their community is different from many of the military family communities on the internet. I am so excited to talk to Kodie and Felisha today about their fabulous podcast, KoFe Confessions.
Meet Kodie & Felisha
I’m Kodie, I am a mom of five. I currently live in South Carolina with my husband who is in the military. He is currently a drill sergeant, so we are navigating a new crazy lifestyle that we haven’t experienced before. I am like a proxy North Carolina native. I grew up in Arizona.
Kodie has a couple of kids hanging out, but we’re all moms here and we all get it. If there’s a bit of noise in the background. She’s coming to you from the school pickup line.
I am Felisha and I have been married for 10 years now. We have three kids and we are currently in the state of Georgia.
Ironically my husband is also a drill sergeant. Our spouses came down on orders at the same like same year. We kind of parted ways that way. This lifestyle brought us together and so as hard as it can be. I was very grateful for it. You know, and I kind of backed my husband. I am from Texas and so I said, I will follow you wherever you want to go, but when you are done with your career, take me home.
Take me back to Texas. That’s where my heart wants to be and where I want to finish raising our family and things like that. We are currently here in Georgia for the next few years until it takes us somewhere else.
That is one fascinating part of being a military family is just how much you move. I feel like you get to learn and figure out how to be a really good friend and new friends really fast.
Launching the Podcast
We started the podcast before the pandemic, whenever I say like in 2020, I think a lot of people think like, oh, they needed a pandemic hobby, but KoFe was actually create before the pandemic even started. It definitely got us through those quarantined months and things like that but in January I was kind of going through that phase that we all go through, where you’re like, okay, what am I gonna do this year that I, what am I gonna do for myself?
I didn’t want it to be the gym, I didn’t want it to be something for my kids. I wanted it to be something for myself. So I thought, well, what about a podcast? And then I realized, I don’t think I’m quite confident enough to speak on it by myself. So I brought the idea up to Felicia and she was like, let’s do it together. I was like, you’re a genius, lets do it together.
The funny thing is, everybody thinks we’ve been like these lifelong best friends, but when we started coffee we had only been friends for about a year. And at first when we started it was more so like motherhood, marriage in the military, like that we call ’em the three M’s.
We wanted to hit all of those different points and as it evolved, we realized that first, the safety of our children was important to keep them a little sheltered from the public eye. The podcast formed more into like this military mom community that we’ve been building up.
We needed something to do that wasn’t pouring into our kids all the time. It was something for ourselves and to be creative for ourselves. And it kind of just like whirlwind from there. It turned into like one of those God things like, so we are obsessed with coffee, like the actual drink. That’s how our name became KoFe Confessions. ‘KO’ is for Kodie and ‘FE’ is for Felicia. It’s a play on words that works out really cool.
It grew through the pandemic and everything, we felt more led to our military mom community. It was a lifestyle that we’ve lived for 10 years now as a military family.
Building a Military Family Community
We want listeners to get a sense of community out of our podcast That’s really the whole reason that we share what we share.
We’re no experts on this life, but between the two of us, we’ve experienced 20 years worth of things. Our military mom community can be very toxic at times. It’s a lot like the motherhood community. It’s like, well, I have it harder, or you don’t have it as hard as I do, or, I’m better than you and I do things differently than you.
So really our podcast and our whole platform was just to build a sense of community, to be like, hey, we’ve been there, we’ve experienced that. Your feelings are valid, you’re justified, it’s gonna be okay. Yes, you have the hard times and that’s what we’ve created it for, is for the people going through those hard times.
But another thing is too, that we want people to feel community, but also seen. We want you to know that if you’re having trouble on deployment, there’s somebody else out there who is too. A lot of times you can kind of make yourself feel crazy where you’re like, well, this is his job and I’m just feeling sorry for myself, or, this is really hard, why am I struggling with this? Having a place specifically to find community is huge.
We want people to feel seen, we see you, we’ve been there, we know what it’s like. Our podcast is something that we want to be relatable on all levels, whether you’re an 18 year old, brand new spouse, or a 40 year old seasoned spouse, or you’re somewhere in the middle like us.
Our vibe is like funny, messy. I think it’s like, honestly, you grab a cup of coffee. Our hashtag is #hashtagspillthecoffee because we have the tea, but we’re serving it in, in a coffee cup.
Feels like Coffee with a Friend
It’s like having a cup of coffee with like your friend and, you know, sometimes if there’s something emotional going on in your life, we, we might cry and if there’s something. If there is something pissing you off in your life then we might rant and if there’s something that you are just like, y’all, I have got to tell you this, and you might laugh.
It’s just kind of like having a conversation with your best friend at a coffee shop. It’s really a friendship vibe. That’s all it is. A lot of people will like, respond to us and be like, I felt like I was right there in the room with you just sitting there because, she’s my best friend.
She’s my only best friend so when we get on there, like, yeah, we are, you know, recording, say we’re talking about deployment. We are recording to help you guys with our tips, but I’m talking to my best friend. This is what I went through this last deployment, she was there with me the last appointment.
It is just our lives. Whether it’s a serious thing and or scary or something like that. Or if it’s funny and we’re sitting there laughing or like, we can’t pronounce something. I’m like, are you trying to say this? It’s just like, yes. Like, you know, or you know, oh, we had this or we had this.Or funny story. You know, I pee my pants cause I’m a mom. You know, like that’s, that’s a true story right there. But it’s really just like that relaxing friendship, you know? Like, Hey, hi, we’re normal, average people just sharing our lives with you, right?
How to Listen to KoFe Confessions
If you go to https://kofeconfessions.com/, you can pull up our website and you can pull up our podcast on there and listen on there. It will also show you all the places that we stream. So maybe you don’t use Google, Spotify, or Apple. If you go to KoFEconfessions.com, it will pull them up and you can listen to them right there on our website.
Or if you see maybe the platform that you use right there, you can click that link and it’ll take you right to it. It’s also linked on our socials too, so if you wanna like click it and it’ll just say, listen to the podcast and it’ll pull up everywhere it’s streamed.
Favorite Episodes
I will say that it’s not the best quality, but I’m gonna say the pilot episode is my favorite. We had no idea what we were doing and we were sitting in my bedroom literally surrounded by piles of laundry.
We just sat and recorded the podcast and I think we said like ‘yeah’ like a million times. I mean, it’s so cringy to go back and listen to, but I have to say that’s probably one of my most favorite. It’s what started it and just the memory of being surrounded by laundry and starting something that has blown up into what it is, I just absolutely love that.
I have a lot of favorites really, because there’s like some emotional ties. You know, when we said we’ve said goodbye to each other twice now?
While we PCS away, so the see you when I see you episode. It was a really emotional one for us because we were leaving for the first time. I think one of my favorites would be the branches and it’s wives. Now this one is not the best quality because we had so many people coming together and platforms were giving them issues and things like that but it was so fun.
It was a lot of the wives that we’ve met doing this over the three years from different branches, you know Navy and Air Force and different things, and we came together and we’re just like, this is what they call it. Do they call it here? This is what we do, what are you doing?
We’d ask how are you, how are you, how are your sanity today? And that was, that was just so fun to see it from everybody else and come together. If you were all right there in one room having like a pow-wow type thing. That sounds like so much fun. Yeah, that one was a lot of fun. I will make sure to link both of those episodes in the show notes so that you can, so that my listeners can go straight to them because they both sound fabulous.
If little ones walk in and hear the podcast, are they gonna hear something super explicit? I don’t think so. I mean, do we drop an F bomb here or there? Yes, but are two shy people, so if we do talk about like, the things that you do in your marriage, we kind of tip-toe around it and we’re like, when two people in married couple, do the things that they do. So there is some language on occasion, but I mean, our kids are around when we record to.
I’ve listened to it in my own car with my kids in the car. But I think it’s, it would be fine if they walked in and heard it. We’re not, we’re not saying anything that we wouldn’t say to each other in front of our kids.
But maybe if you are like a no cussing family I would just take into regard that we do cuss here and there. Other than that, they’re not gonna hear anything that would be any different than two moms sitting on the porch drinking coffee together and ranting maybe about their husbands or the military life.
Our Military Family Resource
We actually created a resource for military families and it is based on our children. It’s a big chunk of our heart here at KoFe. It’s a deployment book for kids, so you can go on Amazon. It is called Kylie and The Deployment Wall. If you’re going through a deployment or a friend’s going through a deployment or upcoming or something like that we share how we kind of helped our seven children at the time go through a deployment.
It’s one of our like dearest and nearest treasures.
The only thing that I would add to it is just that if you’re listening to this and you are a military spouse or you’re about to become a military spouse there is a mean girl vibe going around and we just want you to know that KoFe is not a mean girl vibe. You can sit with us, you can ask us questions, you can ask for advice. We always say we may not have the answer, but we’ll listen and we’ll figure it out together. If we can find you the resource, we’ll find it. If we can’t find the resource, We’ll complain about it with you we’re here, so we’re kind of like the big sisters that we wish maybe we had walking through as young military spouses.

It’s been a, a work in progress. It’s hard to fight, you know, some of, there’s a lot of trolls on the internet and people will come for you when you express an opinion. But the feedback that we’ve received has made it so much worth it. The many messages of like, thank you for making me feel valid, thank you for making me feel seen like I’m, you know, coming into this life, or I’m seasoned and I never, you know, thought about it that way. It’s hard to put your heart out there and be vulnerable with people and be like, this is how I’m feeling and I hope you like, accept that.
If you know someone who could use KoFe Confessions in their life, will you share this episode with them? Also, if you need another tool in your parenting tool belt, grab my Kid Podcast Guide.