May is mental health awareness month. Some of the most common mental health struggles for moms are anxiety and depression. In my personal opinion, I think a lot of that has to do with a lack of true self-care, not just bubble baths and pedicures. I found some podcasts for moms about anxiety, depression, and self-care. I hope this will give you a starting point for yourself or to share with someone you love who is struggling with mental health.

Links from this Episode:
- Anxiety Bites Podcast Episode
- Anxiety Bites Podcast Viva Las Vagus Nerve Episode
- How She Moms Podcast Episode
- How She Moms Podcast How Chantel Allen Manages Anxiety Episode
- 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms Surviving Depression in Motherhood Episode
- Mom and Mind Postpartum Depression Episode
- Momwell Real Self-Care for Moms Episode
- The Lazy Genius, Asks for Help Episode
- Kid Podcast Guide
Podcasts for Moms with Anxiety
The first podcast for moms who struggle with anxiety is the podcast Anxiety Bites. Anxiety Bites is a podcast by comedian Jen Kirkman. She has had lifelong panic and generalized anxiety disorder. Her goal is to normalize having anxiety. She interviews experts with anxiety on how they deal with and treat it.
If you want to learn a little bit more about Anxiety Bites, you can listen to the episode I did about the show. The Anxiety Bites episode that can help moms who deal with anxiety is called VIva Las Vagus Nerve. In this episode, Jen talks to Dr. Navaz Habib about the importance of activating the Vagus nerve to bring down anxiety, inflammation, brain fog, and more. Most adults aren’t breathing correctly, apparently.
Helping Moms Connect
Another recommendation of podcasts for moms who live with anxiety is from the How She Moms podcast. Whitney is the host of How She Moms. She is on a quest to find out how different moms solve the same problems. Whitney coves topics from allowance to connecting with other moms to the “mommy wars.”
She picks a new topic each episode, and collects ideas from other moms so you can pick and choose what works for you and your family. If you want to learn more about How She Moms, listen to the conversation I had with Whitney on my show about her podcast. The How She Moms episode that can help moms who deal with anxiety is called How Chantel Allen Manages Anxiety.
In this episode, Whitney talks to Chantel Allen, a mom of four, and a life coach. The conversation includes how Chantel learned to live with anxiety and help her children through some of the same challenges. She also talks about some of the different stages of motherhood and her career path from preschool teacher to Life Coach.
Podcasts for Moms with Depression
A podcast for moms that can help moms who deal with depression is from the podcast, 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms. 3 in 30 is a podcast that you will finish with actionable things you can start doing right away. Rachel Nielson, the host, makes sure to give you the information and a way to implement it into your life.
The 3 in 30 episode that can help moms who deal with depression is called Surviving Depression in Motherhood. This episode aims to build awareness for moms who have wondered if they may be struggling with mental illness. It also gives a few basic coping skills for what to do when you are in the midst of it.
New Moms and Postpartum Depression
Another episode that can help moms who deal with depression, especially postpartum depression, is from the podcast Mom and Mind. Dr. Kat is a psychologist and specialist in perinatal mental health. As the host of Mom and Mind she interviews moms, dads experts and advocates about how to cope, manage, and recover from perinatal, mood and anxiety disorders, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and more.
On the show, she addresses the realities of the transition to motherhood and parenthood. The Mom and Mind episode that can help moms who struggle with depression is called Postpartum Depression. In this episode, they discuss the many misconceptions about postpartum depression, what it is, and how it manifests itself. They clear up some of the myths and bring clarity, hope, and awareness to this topic.
A Tool to Find Great Podcasts
Before I tell you about the podcast episodes about self-care, let’s talk about my free guide to find podcasts you’ll love. I hope these podcast episodes will help your mental health journey.
If you’re looking for a different type of podcast as well, I have a guide that can help you find a podcast you will love. The guide has nine types of podcasts like history, parenting, and health and wellness and under each type of podcast there are links to three shows. That is 27 podcasts for you to choose from.
If you try a couple and you don’t like any of them, I put my email at the bottom of the guide so you can get in touch with me and I will personally help you find a podcast you will love.
Podcasts for Moms about Self-Care
An episode about True Self-Care is from the podcast Momwell. Momwell is a podcast that talks about the parts of motherhood that we don’t plan on.
The mom rage, overstimulation, intrusive thoughts or other mental health struggles. Host and psychotherapist, Erica Djossa teaches strategies to help you cope with the psychological and emotional load of motherhood. She also helps you learn to prioritize your mental health and wellbeing. The Momwell episode that can help moms figure out the best way to take care of ourselves is called Real Self-Care for Moms.
In this episode, Erica is joined by psychiatrist, Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, author of the book, Real Self-Care. They discuss self-care principles for moms and how we can prioritize our mental health.
Lazy Genius Self Care
The last episode on this list of podcasts for moms and another great one about self-care comes from the Lazy Genius Podcast. The Lazy Genius is one of my favorite podcasts that helped me figure out how to tackle problems in a way that makes the most sense for me..

Kendra Adachi is the host and she says her podcast helps you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t. The Lazy Genius episode that can help moms figure out their self-care is called The Lazy Genius, Asks for Help. In this episode, Kendra talks about all the ways to ask for help, the different kinds of therapy and different reasons why or why not you might pursue them. Plus she talks about how to be a good friend to someone else who needs help.
As we commemorate Mental Health Awareness Month, I hope you can use some of these episodes to improve your life or send them to a mom friend who might be struggling. Also, if you’re looking for more podcasts to enjoy, grab my guide to finding a podcast you’ll love.