As the weather gets warmer, the itch to travel gets stronger. Sometimes we don’t have the capacity, funds, or time off to scratch that itch. Here’s some podcasts that can help you dream, plan, and save up for your next amazing travel adventure.

- Podcast Guide
- JUMP with Traveling Jackie Podcast
- JUMP with Traveling Jackie Podcast Walking Across Jordan Episode
- The Thought Card Podcast
- The Thought Card Podcast Defining Your Family Values and Planning Budget Friendly Vacations for Large Families. With Kevin Payne Episode
- Vacation Mavens Podcast
- Vacation Mavens Podcast Barge and River Cruising Through France Episode
- The Travel Diaries Podcast
- The Travel Diaries Podcast Sophie Morgan Episode
JUMP with Traveling Jackie
The first travel podcast on today’s list is JUMP with Traveling Jackie. If you want to learn about different destinations and get some serious motivation to help you get to those destinations, this is a great podcast to listen to. Jackie, the host, has episodes about all different types of travel. There are so many places featured that you’ll want to add to your travel bucket list.
If you’re looking for an episode to start with, I recommend listening to episode 169, Walking Across Jordan. I definitely have a soft spot for the country of Jordan and I am determined to go there one day. Hiking across Jordan is something I have never considered, so it was an inspiring and fun listen for me. I am going to warn you that the audio quality wasn’t the greatest, but it was worth it for me at least to learn about another way I can experience Jordan. This episode and all of the episodes in this blog are linked above if you want to listen.
The Thought Card
The Thought Card is the next podcast on today’s list. This is a travel podcast with a twist. The host, Danielle, talks about cool destinations and the best things to pack to get there. She also offers practical tips on budgeting, saving, paying off debt, and building wealth so you can travel more often. This podcast is a great mix of practicality and inspiration, which isn’t always the case when you listen to a travel podcast.
A great episode to start with is episode 159, Defining Your Family Values and Planning Budget Friendly Vacations for Large Families. With Kevin Payne, Danielle chats with Kevin about how you can still make travel a priority when you have a big family and some tips on how to do that.
Guide to Kid Podcasts
We’re going to take a quick break to talk about my guide to kid podcasts. My family and I just got back from our spring break trip to Southern Utah. It was warm and fun, and I’m a little bummed that we’re now back to normal life. One of the things I made sure we had a lot of on our trip were kid podcast options.
We listened to them on the drive down and on the drive back. I also play them while we’re waiting at a restaurant for our food or when my kids legs start to get tired on a hike and they need a distraction. I know that kid podcasts can help you while traveling, but also at home when you just need a break, which is why I made a guide to kid podcasts.
There are eight categories ranging from science, to mindfulness, to audio drama, with at least three podcasts in each category. There are 28 podcasts in total on the guide. I’ve listened to each of the podcasts so I can attest to them being kid friendly. And I put my email at the bottom of the guide so that if you try a couple with your kids and none of them are a good fit, you can email me and I will personally help you find a kid podcast that works for your littles. You can grab the guide included the links above.
Vacation Mavens
The next travel podcast on today’s list is called Vacation Mavens. This is a family travel podcast with plenty of destination inspiration and tips for traveling with kids. The two hosts, Tamara and Kim, are family travel bloggers who came together to create a podcast to inspire families to go on adventures together.
These two hosts have a lovely rapport and it is really fun to hear them chat about their trips. It feels like I’m sitting with a couple of friends talking about vacations and future travel plans. There are more than 200 Vacation Mavens episodes to choose from. You’re bound to find at least one that can help you plan your next vacation just by scrolling through their catalog.
If that feels overwhelming, you can start with the episode called Barge and River Cruising Through France, where the hosts talk all about tomorrow’s European summer travels.
The Travel Diaries
The last travel podcast on today’s list is called The Travel Diaries. It has an interesting structure. Host Holly Rubenstein interviews famous guests about the seven chapters in their life’s travel diary, from their earliest travel memory to what’s at the top of their travel bucket list.
It’s super interesting to hear about different people’s travel preferences and all of the unique experiences they have when they travel. One episode that I really loved was the interview with Sophie Morgan, who is a disability advocate and presenter. She talked about some of her favorite destinations that she’s ever been to and the difficulties of being a wheelchair user when it comes to travel.

Enjoy These Travel Podcasts
Have you listened to any of these travel podcasts before? If you haven’t, or you have, I know they will help you tame your travel bug at least for a little while. And if you’re looking for a way to entertain your kids while you’re traveling, grab my kid podcast guide.